I have got the color picker working close to what I need but I have encountered a bug (I think), added a workaround to make color optional, and have a minor display issue.
The bug first. Regardless of whether the Show Field Entry check box is turned on or off, the color entry field is always there. It would be nice just to have the color picker button and the display example.
For my application color is optional for the entity, but when using STRINGS as the color type the color field always defaults to #000000 (black) on saving the record. I got around this problem by overriding the ColorWeb method with this code before the Parent call:
IF Clip(P_color) =''
ReturnValue = ''
Easy to do, but it took a while to track down so it might be better in the base class.
Finally, the Live Update is great for displaying the users color choice, but the updated display field shows the background color as a gradient until the record is saved. After the record is saved, the color shows as the desired solid. The trouble with the initial gradient display is that makes the color choice look lighter than it actually is.
Minor issues to be sure, but worth considering for a future update. I have attached a modified app and dct for the Basic Browse and Form example (web1) that demonstrate the issues.
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