Hi Terry and Johan,
I did this a year or so ago on a test project.
It was ugly. But worked.
I had a radio button and depending upon its value it turned on and off certain tabs.
Firstly i needed to save all fields values in session variables to save their state.
I then had to save the client side value.
I added this handcoded JS to the control.
'sv(''LIS__PropertyType'',''listingupdate_lis__propertytype_value'',1,FieldValue(this)); window.open(''ListingUpdate?SessionID='&p_web.SessionID&''',''MainRight'')'
My variable that dictated the tab changes was LIS:PropertyType.
When the user selected a value, it would reload (yes full page refresh) the page, but the tabs would be redrawn correctly and work.
Its awful I know, but it worked.