Yes Bruce, we did, its a string.
I had to tweak it a bit, but it WORKS!!!!
Thanks so much with helping with this.
GetGoogleURLSignRequest ( GoogleURL, PathUrl, Query , ClientID, APIKey)
stPKey StringTheory
stQry StringTheory
stPKey.Replace('-', '+')
stPKey.Replace('_', '/')
stPKey.Base64Decode( ) ! st object holds the privateKey
stQry.Base64Decode( ) ! st object holds the path info
stQry.Append( Query )
Loc:SecretKey = stpkey.getvalue()
err# = Crypto.MakeHmac (stQry, Loc:SecretKey, cs:Calg_Sha1)
! returns Crypto:Ok or Crypto:NotOk
stQry.Replace('+', '-')
stQry.Replace('/', '_')
stQry.Prepend(Clip(GoogleURL) & Clip(PathUrl) & Clip(Query) & '&Signature=' ) !& stQry.GetValue() )
return stQry.GetValue( )