I recently released an app to a selected group of enthusiasts (and have written about it under 'Links to sites' ) and I found that a lot of activity was via mobile devices of small screen size. My app revolves around information displayed on a Form under six tabs of which three are pretty dense in terms of fields which are typically arranged in a tabular format (i.e. labelled rows and columns).
I had imagined that with so much data to display that no one would remotely consider trying to run the app on phone - but they did
I have since read as much as I could find about how to cater for Mobiles. I can understand Browses and can easily adjust the template settings per recommendations and that will work well. But its the Form that is the problem. I have attached two displays MobileD1 and MobileM1 which show what one of the tabs looks like on a Desktop and on my desktop with 'Force Mobile' mode selected (and the display looks much the same on a real phone).
The other tabs on the form (especially the dense one) are equally unusable. I suspect that this chaos has something to do with how I have achieved the formatting which for the desktop is well structured and briefly this is what I have done:
The row headings are the prompts for the first fields in the row (for which the column heading is 'RPM')the other fields in the row have a null prompt. the column headings ('RPM , 'Torque Nm' etc are individual Display fields. They all line up because they all have the same template attributes 'last in line' = No and 'last in Cell' (except the last one in each row of course).
A couple of questions at this stage - why would the formatting go so horribly wrong on a Mobile and is it even sensible to expect a similar result as for a large real estate device?
And if the answer is that tabular formatting (at least as I have implemented it) is a no-no for mobiles then does that mean that you would need to develop another application with a different style for them?
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