I have a home page (NetWebPage) that simply displays some info about the current user. Thus there is a lot of white space. I thought I would build a messaging system to allow me to display messages. So I created a routine to create a session variable called StudyMessage. The test code is as follows:
p_web.SSV('StudyMessage', '<span style="color: #ff00ff; font-size: 12pt;">message </span>in <span style="color: #ff0000;">red</span>')
I then added a <!-- Net:s:StudyMessage --> tag to the XHTML tab, as seen in the attached image xhtml.png.
The end result shows the literal text of the HTML, see image homepage.png. Can you point me to where I went wrong?
I should add, that I want to pull blocks of xhtml from a database and populate the session variable.
[attachment deleted by admin]