I think I'm getting this resolved. In the Browse Procedure, Start of Procedure embed I have the following:
Enr:Patient_ID = p_web.GSV('Enr:Patient_ID') !this is the session value of the highlighted record
p_web._LoadRecord(PatientEnrollment, Enr:PatID_key)
Now, when I call Browse B and open the form, the Study_ID is primed properly. I'm not sure if this is the best embed so I'm open to other suggestions.
This app is currently being tested by three or four people today. Another user discovered a similar issue. They open a browse with 10 records showing, of a total of 100. They click on record 3 and go to the second browse/form and enter data. Upon returning to the first browse, they click on Next to go to another page and see the top record highlighted. If they now go to the second browse/form to enter more data, they find they are entering data for the previous record. The buffer still contains data for the previous record, until they manually click on a record. I'm hoping this scenario will also be fixed with my code above.
I'll follow up as I progress.