I have a form with a string entry that uses a lookup button successfully, displaying the selection and assigning the additional hidden values. The lookup browse procedure has a two component key and the browse is primed and filtered to a single value in the first component. Autocomplete has the same filter as the lookup browse and presents the selection options perfectly, but on selection fails to assign the additional values. I am pretty sure the problem is in the p_web.GetDecription method called in the Validate:field routine. It uses the two component key of the lookup browse, but only passes and uses the value of the second component to retrieve the record, so the retrieval fails cancelling the assignment.
The only option I see is adding another key to the table for just the second component and filtering the unwanted records out, but that seems inefficient when volumes get high and will require dictionary and database changes. Are there any other options for using a lookup button, autocomplete, and additional assignments?
Many thanks.