Hi Robert,
>> I would like to hide my web app
your app can't be both "visible" to valid users, and invisible to other people. If someone knows the URL they can certainly get there.
>> I would like to secure my web app
SSL and Logins work well to restrict access to authorized people.
>> It will be much better if I run on different port then 443?
yes, to some extent it will be harder to "randomly find" if it's on another port. Especially if there are _no_ links to the address on other sites.
>> also NT take consideration if I put a txt file "robots.txt" with specific text inside?
robots.txt is for search engines. They request the file and either observe, or ignore, the contents therein. The server doesn't process the file. Obviously all the main search engines respect the robots.txt, so havng one there effectivly excludes you from the search. (Although the spider can't log in anyway, so there's really not any real practical difference.)
in WebHandler, in SetCustomHTMLHeaders method,
self.metaHeaders = '<meta name="robots" content="noindex"><13,10><meta name="googlebot" content="noindex">')