I'm setting up a client to send xml data to my web app. I put the client data into a group in order to generate xml for the Soap methods. No problems there.
However in my web app, I'm receiving this data not as a group but as individual String fields (there are good reasons for this). I discovered that if the XML tags are not the same case, the data is not read in the app's web service method. For example, if the local variable name is Proper case, setting the XML Case option to Upper on the Parameters tab does not correctly generate Upper tags in the PrimeParameters routine (see example below) and therefore the incoming data is not read.
My local variable name is GuidHash.
In PrimeParameters, this is what's generated:
GuidHash = strxml.between(p_web.Nocolon('<GuidHash>',Net:SingleUnderscore+Net:NoSpaces),p_web.Nocolon('</GuidHash>',Net:SingleUnderscore+Net:NoSpaces))
With Upper set as the Parameter's XML Case option, it should be:
GuidHash = strxml.between(p_web.Nocolon('<GUIDHASH>',Net:SingleUnderscore+Net:NoSpaces),p_web.Nocolon('</GUIDHASH>',Net:SingleUnderscore+Net:NoSpaces))