I use an SQL backend, so I quite often use a temporary table issue an SQL query on the fly, and then display the results on screen.
With the advent in NT8 and the export button, my users are getting very excited about being able to download all sorts or data, and I can see that I'm going to be generating lots of netweb browses like this so I just wanted to make sure that I'm doing things "Correctly"
I quite often embed my browse within a form, to allow my users to set a date range, and other filters, so I tend to remove the existing contents of my temporary file, and re-populate it in the Refresh::MyBrowseDetails Routine in the form.
This seems to work OK, but I'm wondering if there is an embed point within the Browse procedure itself that I could utilise so that it doesn't matter where my browse gets called from, it will always populate the data.
There look to be quite a few candidate embeds, but I wondered if anyone could point me in the right direction?