Hi, I used to add some links after the subheading of my forms.
Help, Audit and Print (see image 1)
I have a template to do that.
I´ve tried to add those links in a popoup form and its impossible, I´ve tried sevral embeds and the form pops up empty.
Then I tryed to modify the header and ... image 2
How can I add some links to the top of a popup form?
The code I'm adding to the packet is:
!help link
packet.append('<a href="javascript:var win=open('''&'./help/html/uExamsOf_'&P_WEB.GSV('LOGIN_LNG')&'.html'&''',''DwsHelpPage'',''width=900,height=500,directories=no,location=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,status=no,toolbar=no,resizeable=yes'');" alt="'&p_web.Translate('Click here for help')&'" class="link_gris">'&p_web.Translate('Help')&'</a> ')
!Audit link
packet.append('<a href="./bLogEvents?Admin=0&TableName=CR_EXA&RecordNr='&P_WEB.GSV('CEX:ID')&'&RecordName='&P_WEB.GSV('EXA:NAME')&'" target="PopupWindow" alt="'&p_web.Translate('Click here for Audit')&'" class="link_gris">'&p_web.Translate('Audit')&'</a> ')
!Print link
packet.append('<a href="javascript:print()" alt="'&p_web.Translate('Click here to print page')&'" class="link_gris">'&p_web.Translate('Print')&'</a>')