I have a few NT web servers running with the multi Host application. This has worked great for a number of months. Now, in the last week, the system will suddenly hang up with the following error:
NetTalk Object Error
A Network communications error has occurred.
Error = Error Sending Data
The error number was -40 which means could not send Net Simple data
Error occurred in function Net Simple Send
The app uses messagebox with a 2 second display, and the above message shows a "Time Out" of 0:01 at the bottom of the screen. The message won't go away after clicking OK, and all the web servers running under the Host are unresponsive. Takes shutting down the host to get out of it.
This problem is fairly random, but since it started it appears that it can be counted on to happen at least daily. Restarting the Host app allows all to run fine - for a few minutes to a few hours - no apparent failure pattern.
Any ideas what might be happening and why this message hangs the system?
Mike Springer