Just when I think I've got a handle on how to send the value of one field to another, I end right back to square one again.
I downloaded and installed the lastest release last night (13 or 14?) just to make sure I'm on the newest release.
I've got Make and Model that I want to combine to prefill the items description. So it my be Porsche 911 (make and model). For now, I'm just trying to get the model to prefill the description, so on my form field, CAR:Model, Client Side tab, I've got checked the Send new value to server, and I've got the simple code in that embed:
Eventually I'll be making it: p_web.SetSessionValue('CAR:Description',CAR:Make & ' ' & CAR:Model), but for now I'll settle for one field.
I've also indicated that the CAR:Description field value is reset.
It doesn't do a thing when I save the form, and the browse shows the old value still. But when I open the form back up, NOW I get the model to appear in the description field. So it's like everything is being ignored through saving the form. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong? The Calculator example just isn't cutting it for me<g>.