Thanks for the tip. This has achieved the effect I was looking for. Please see the attached image.
However, it has created a problem. When this new column is added to the browse, the Next/Previous buttons no longer work. In addition, when calling a View to look at the form, I get an error about the key...the current record is not displayed in the form, only a blank record with an ID of 0. If I comment out the code, then things return to normal. So, it seems this code is causing an issue. I have the following code in the Inside Browse Loop, Set Queue Record embed:
loc:Links = '<a href="'&CLIP(Ref:URL1)&'">'&CLIP('Link 1')&'<13,10><13,10>'&'<a href="'&CLIP(Ref:URL2)&'">'&CLIP('Link 2')&'<13,10><13,10>'&'<a href="'&CLIP(Ref:InternalURL)&'">'&CLIP('Internal Link')&'</a>'
Any thoughts as to what might be the problem?
[attachment deleted by admin]