Hi, Bruce
I am pretty sure the problem is in the multi component key used in the lookup table. I checked out some of the shipping examples for a similar table without success, so I modified the dictionary, app and data files of the Browse in Form (21) example to demonstrate the issue.
I created a TEST table that has a unique ID, an non-unique Name field and a non-unique Org field. The multicomponent OrgName key is unique. The Test ID key has a one to many relation with the INVOICE table. There is a BrowseTest procedure to select by Test Name. The Update Invoice form and the INVOICE table have been amended to show that both approaches to lookup, displaying Description field instead of Value, or additional assignments, fail using a multi-component key. The display Description appears to work at first glance, but the Value is not saved.
Hope the problem is something simple I just didn't understand.
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