Hi Robert,
>> All I can say is that upgrading from NT6 to NT7 was "a piece of cake" compared to through NT 7.11 and beyond.
without wanting to scare anyone in any way, it's probable that there are a few upcoming changes I have in mind which will cause a bit more effort in the update. For example I've been holding off on converting the "Packet" variable from a String to StringTheory for a while now. There are some big advantages to moving it to StringTheory, but that will also likely affect embed code the most, so I'm waiting for the right time - and indeed I'll probably spread the load a bit over multiple updates. There are a few other things I still want to do as well.
Obviously I want to cause as little pain as possible, and so refactoring of any kind takes that into account. Clearly one option would be to "leave it alone", but that prevents us from doing some _really_ neat things both in the short term, and the long term.
For example the 7.13 build has a new feature called "Immediate Locators" which necessitated much refactoring of the generated browse code (mostly by breaking the existing GenerateBrowse routine into a number of smaller routines.) This should have no effect on existing code (although it is possible that it can break some existing embed code, especially if you use variables local to a routine.) On the other hand the feature is pretty cool (I think) - I'll be showing that on the Friday Webinar (
There are also a lot of other improvements going on "under the hood" - getting the browse-in-browse support right is a big deal (not there yet, but making progress) as well as (of course) the goal of "Form Next Form" editing.
One thing that is working nicely in 7.13 though, and you may not even notice, is that events are now flowing from children to parents, as well as from parents to children. So, for example, editing a line item on a child browse automatically updates the total on the parent browse, and so on. I want to take this idea a bit further in a later build, but for "immediate" relationships it seems better now.
In short - I apologize for the pain during the changes of course, but I think the places we're going is very exciting, and some of the things I hope to show at the devcon training are, frankly, jaw-dropping even to me. I just hope I get them done in time! In the end I think the short-term pain will be long forgotten as we enjoy the long-term benefits.