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Author Topic: Conditionaly change the color of a browse cell.  (Read 7112 times)


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Re: Conditionaly change the color of a browse cell.
« Reply #15 on: February 05, 2013, 09:36:15 PM »
>> I forgot to ask, in one of the previous posts to this thread you said "... maybe you might change your mind if you could see what's coming."
>> Did you mean in the next version of CSS/HTML5 or Nettalk?

No I meant what's coming in your learning curve. ie you'll get to a place where you want to get serious about styling, maybe change the visuals, maybe see a new theme you like, maybe make a whole new app and have it use the same "look" as this one.

As you go further down the web-app road you'll see the power of CSS come into play. It's not something that makes a lot of sense, but you'll get to an ah-ha point down the road where you go "oh wow".
