First I wish to thank Bruce for fixing the position locator for TPS files in NetTalk 6.50. Although this release fixed the position locator issue in my application, now unfortunately paging through the records got messed up on some of the browses in my application. On these browses, pressing the next button on the first page will only scroll down one record and will no longer page by pressing the next button. The last button will page to the end of the table but the previous button will only page back one record. There other paging issues as well that are readily evident in my example. There are no XHTML errors reported on the page. I cannot figure why this problem happens on some tables and but not others. I modified my View01 example to include a browse on table that does not work, directly from my application. There is French text in the some of the records, but I do not believe that this is the issue because there are other tables in my app without French data have the same problem. This WebNetBrowse was just easier to extract from the app. The example has a menu button “MultiTable Example” which will show the original browse that used as an example of the locator issue that NT 6.50 fixed. This browse pages normally.
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