I have a web server app that has both the WebServer and SecureServer objects. I would like to give administrators the option of forcing users to connect with SSL. The redirect works fine when I provide the port number in the template, but there is a problem when trying to use a setting saved in a table. The problem is the redirect property is set before the tables are opened and the settings record retrieved. Setting the property with an embed afterwards has not worked.
Here is the embed code:
ThisWebServer._RedirectToHttpsPort = WST:SSLPort
I have tried placing the code at the !Start of "NetTalk Object Before Init Section" and at the !Start of "NetTalk Object After s_web assigned" without success.
Assuming the property is correct, is there an embed point after the tables have been opened that will work? Or should I just open the table and retrieve the record manually before the property is set by the template code?
Using NT 6.44