I have a desktop app (6.3 ABC and NT 6.35 for emails) that either sends an individual email for a person in a database and also will send a series of emails from a list of persons (looping through a file). Both of these procedures have worked fine in NT5, but now that I have upgraded to NT6.35, when I get to the sending of the email, the application is completely shut down with no messages. Here is the typical code:
OF ?EmailSend
! Start of "Control Event Handling"
! [Priority 5300]
!*** get the SMPT Server and Port NUmber ***
DME:SequenceNo = 1
EmailServer = clip(DME:SMPTServer)
EmailPort = DME:SMPTPortNumber
! [Priority 5300]
!*** if SMTP Authentication Required, fill it in ***
if DME:SMTPAuthenticationRequired = 'Y'
ThisSendEmail.SSL = 1
ThisSendEmail.AuthUser = clip(DME:SMTPUserName)
ThisSendEmail.AuthPassword = clip(DME:SMTPPassword)
! [Priority 5300]
!*** Fill in the Send Object Variables ***
ThisSendEmail.SSLCertificateOptions.DontVerifyRemoteCertificateCommonName = 1
ThisSendEmail.SSLCertificateOptions.DontVerifyRemoteCertificateWithCARoot = 1
! [Priority 5300]
!*** Add in the Anti Spam Message ***
ASP:SequenceNo =1
EmailMessageText = clip(emailMessageText) & '<13><10><13><10>' & clip(ASP:EmailAntiSpamText)
! [Priority 5300]
! [Priority 5300]
! Generated by NetTalk Extension
ThisSendEmail.Server = EmailServer
ThisSendEmail.Port = EmailPort
ThisSendEmail.From = EmailFrom
ThisSendEmail.ToList = EmailTo
ThisSendEmail.ccList = EmailCC
ThisSendEmail.bccList = EmailBCC
ThisSendEmail.Subject = EmailSubject
ThisSendEmail.AttachmentList = EmailFileList
ThisSendEmail.SetRequiredMessageSize (0, len(clip(EmailMessageText)), 0) ! You must call this function before populating self.MessageText #ELSIF ( <> '')
if ThisSendEmail.Error = 0
ThisSendEmail.MessageText = EmailMessageText
! [Priority 6300]
message('Sent Email')
As you can see, I am only using regular text for the message (not HTML). If I populate the code with messages, I get to the Net Talk Extension generated code at the end where the entire app closes without messages.
By the way, I have a NT Webserver app doing similar email processing on NT 6.35 using the same databases, and it works fine - only this Desktop app has stopped working since the update to NT 6.
Any suggestions?
Mike Springer