NT 5.47
Clarion 6.3
Static Pages with Dynamic (NetTalk) content
I have a need to call a form (that is always inserting in a table) and upon saving, it calls another form (that is always inserting in a different table).
The html page has <!-- Net:UpdateHousehold --> and the UpdateHousehold webform has the Advanced Tab setting for Insert. That form appears correctly and on Saving, it inserts a record in the Household file. That webform calls another html page on saving.
The page it calls has <!-- Net:UpdateMember --> and the UpdateMember webform has the Advanced Tab setting for Insert. The form appears, but it is not in Insert mode, and the PreInsert routine is not called, and upon clicking the Save button, the record is not inserted into the member file.
Upon saving, the UpdateMember calls another html page correctly.
It appears that the problem is that I am not in insert mode on the second form, and I have verified in the SetAction routine that I am entering with no action setting (p_web.GSV(UpdateMember_CurrentAction) contains no value.
How can I have the second form operate in insert mode and save the record?
Mike Springer