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Author Topic: Position of Close-button in webbrowse  (Read 6995 times)


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Position of Close-button in webbrowse
« on: September 25, 2015, 06:07:00 AM »
Hi together,
is there a possibility to change the position of the Close button on a browse. I have only a change button and the close button and want to avoid that there are to lines for them. I would like to have the Close button behind the change button.

Additionally I would like to insert a manual button. My browse is called with a date as parameter. This date is used as filter for displaying the data records. The additional button should allow to choose a date and then the form should call itself with the new date as parameter (SSV).

Can anyone help?

Thanks a lot.


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Re: Position of Close-button in webbrowse
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2015, 05:50:50 AM »
Hi Heinz,

the trick here is to create a form procedure. Add whatever buttons to that in any way you like, plus the date lookup field and whatever else, and then add the browse to that form.

The basic idea is that the browse is just a "control" and when you want a "collection of controls" (like a date filter, and the browse) then what you want is a form since that is "a collection of controls".

you understand?


Robert Iliuta

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Re: Position of Close-button in webbrowse
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2017, 10:25:07 PM »
Hallo Bruce!

We need an "other" button bellow browse like Insert, change, delete, export, etc...
We don't need other controls... just a button. (we are asking too much here?)

Think we have 100 browses and for all this we need 100 forms :-) and on some forms we need to put other forms.... thinks will getting complicated.
(And all above for 1 button)

Why not just implement one button to let us have some basic control over him?

*I need the most for print. The print button will not show on browse even if I check in template.

Thank you!


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Re: Position of Close-button in webbrowse
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2017, 05:17:05 AM »
Hi Robert,

>> we are asking too much here?

maybe. You want one button. Someone else wants another button (2 buttons.) sooner or later someone wants a checkbox... where does it end?

>> I need the most for print. The print button will not show on browse even if I check in template.

That's deactivated at the moment (and always has been) but possibly could be turned on...


Robert Iliuta

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Re: Position of Close-button in webbrowse
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2017, 11:37:06 AM »
Hallo Bruce!

>>maybe. You want one button. Someone else wants another button (2 buttons.) sooner or later someone wants a checkbox... where does it end?

I'm sorry but I work hard to develop software for my customers. I'm not joking when I work. Your answer it's a bit sarcastic...
A lot of developers asking for this and ask for one (1) custom button and whatever you will say it's not a rocket science!
Design is very important this days and I appreciate software with nice design and user friendly concept.

>>That's deactivated at the moment (and always has been) but possibly could be turned on...
Yes, I would like to use this button. It could be VERY useful.

Thank you!


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Re: Position of Close-button in webbrowse
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2017, 11:32:52 PM »
Hi Robert,

I'm not trying to be sarcastic.

What I mean is that the browse is a "control". As such it encapsulates what the control needs to do.
Where other controls are needed, it's designed to work on a Form. Since a Form is the "container of multiple controls".

I understand that if you want to add a button "everywhere" it can become tedious, since you then have to add a container everywhere. However allowing the browse to also be a container (ie allow you to add buttons, checkboxes, whatever) would be a mammoth task. It would also increase the complexity of the engine a lot.

So yes, it's not impossible to extend the browse control with another button - like I did for the export button. And yes it's possible that the Print button could be activated. But again that's a far from trivial task (unless you plan to make a matching Report for each browse - and I'm guessing you don't want to do that...)

I know it seems like some things are "easy to do" but in some cases that's just because NetTalk is successfully hiding complexity from you already. So "just let me add a button to a browse" sounds simple, but is very, very, far from actually being simple.


Robert Iliuta

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Re: Position of Close-button in webbrowse
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2017, 09:57:12 AM »
Hallo Bruce!

>>What I mean is that the browse is a "control". As such it encapsulates what the control needs to do.
>>Where other controls are needed, it's designed to work on a Form. Since a Form is the "container of multiple controls".

I understand now!
The only "impediment" here is that I need another memory form where I need to add controls.
"The problem" is again when user ask for example to add a print button under the browse. They also believe it's a simple task. (and it should be a simple one) but in reality it's not because I have to create another memory form, add browse, and then add buttons + additional tasks...
Maybe create a browse directly on a memory form will help us a bit more. It's possible?

>>I know it seems like some things are "easy to do" but in some cases that's just because NetTalk is successfully hiding complexity from you already. So "just let me add a button to a browse" sounds simple, but is very, very, far from actually being simple.

I understand!
Sometimes I need freedom when I develop, and every obstacle it's a step back and it's frustrated that I can't do this/that with NT10.
I don't want to say NT10 is limited, it's a very powerful tool ;-)

Thank you,