Attached is an example (MSexample3) that illustrates the problem. It is a Clarion 6.3 and NT 6.48 app
I've included the .APP, .DCT, Contribute.TPS, ConTrans.TPS, and the Custom.CSS files. The example app runs on port 88.
To outline the example, there is a memory Form with a parent browse and a child browse. The parent browse lists the Contribute.TPS file, and the child browse lists the ConTrans.TPS file. The Custom.CSS is used to turn the parent browse row green if there is a child record. You'll see that works when the app opens.
The problem is when you add a child record to a parent record that has no child yet, the CSS green is not applied because the parent browse is not being refreshed.
I've added the following code to the child's validate record embed:
p_web.setValue('_ParentProc_','EnterContributions') !the Memory Form
p_web.DeleteValue('_EIPClm_') !don't know what this does
ListContributions(p_web) !Parent Browse
These are currently commented out because with them, the parent browse is redisplayed to the right of the parent, over and over until the server crashes in a few seconds.
Surely, I'm doing something wrong, but I'm not seeing what I'd doing wrong.
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