Here is the language barrier kicking in.
The browses are related 1:N.
The foreign key field in the child record is the primary key of the parent.
What happens is:
I click (by accident) the header of the parent browse in the part where there's no sort link.
At that moment, the sessionvar for the primary parent key is nullified, which is about right because in fact no parent record is selected. Yet.
The child browse is refreshed but as the session var for the primary parent key is nullified, no matching records are found to be shown in the child browse.... Yet.
The insert button of the child browse is still available and when I click it, the insert_child_record_form pops up.
In the template for the child form, in the prime tab, i prime the foreign key field which refers to the parent record, using the session var for the unique parent key, which is nullified by clicking the header. In other words the foreign key also gets nullified.
In the meantime I fill out the child form and click save.
And voila, an orphan child record is created.
After that, when i accidently click the header of the parent browse, I get results in the child browse.
Imho this is a bug.