I have a form without a browse.
I call this from from a menu option with the link like so:
'updatemainpassenger?change_btn=change&_bidv_=' & p_web.AddBrowseValue('WebMenu','Customer',CUS:KeyCustomerID,p_web.GSV('CustomerID')) & '&PressedButton=change_btn'
When the user saves their data from this form, I need the form to stay open on the same tab as it was on before the save.
I have tried many ways to do this without avail.
I thought I was onto something when I tried this in the ! Start of "Set Form Action" embed,
p_web.SetValue('onsave','stay') ! Make the target be the same form
This works with the first save I make, but then any save after that, the post update is not being called, and if I return to the form later, any changes I make on the second and any other attempt after that, changes are lost.
Any help in resolving this would be much appreciated.
Mark Sarson