Hi Brian,
No, you're not limited to the 3 column approach. That's the default just because it makes a reasonable layout in very quick time.
The threee settings you want to play with are;
'Span Prompt / Value / Cell'
'Last on Line' and
'Last in Cell.
So start by thinking of the form in the traditional 3 column way.
If you tick off "last on line" for say the Name, then you have 6 columns
prompt value (name) comment prompt value (next field) name
using this approach you can have any number of fields on a form, still arranged neatly into columns.
Obviously pages grow better vertically than horizontally, so you need to consider screen size when taking this approach.
you can also suppress the "comments" column completely, resulting in a multiples-of-two column approach.
Last in Cell, if off, breaks the "columnar" nature of the page. It allows fields to be more free-form in width,
so fields do not necessarily line up under each other. It's good for the odd ad-hoc extra field on a line, or where you want to make a really cluttered screen.
the span option reduces the columns as well, from 3 down to 1. there is less stuff lining up neatly, but also less whitespace. For some form field types (like browses) the span makes a lot of sense.