Assume a standard Customer < - >> Orders construct.
I want the API to return open orders for the requested customer.
The client requests the customer by name.
The orders are linked to the customer by a customer record number, say CUST:RecNo = ORDER:CustRecNo.
The API Returns tab lists 2 files.
File 1. Customers are filtered by 'CUST:Name = ' aName (local variable sent in the API request). That works.
File 2. Orders should be limited to the customer record number (above).
I am getting the filter wrong. I'm getting all of every customers' orders, not just the ones for the requested customer.
The filter on file 2 is 'ORDER:CustRecNo = ' & CUST:RecNo, which is giving me records for all customers.
Reversing them doesn't help much, either.
Question: What is the correct filter syntax to limit the orders to the requested customer? :-)