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Author Topic: Media field type on tabbed form, questions, part 2  (Read 2530 times)


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Media field type on tabbed form, questions, part 2
« on: August 17, 2024, 05:12:44 PM »

     In part 1 of this topic, I mentioned I had the Media field type on a tab, of a multi-tab form, to display a PDF document.  This works but is a bit cumbersome, moving between the PDF tab and other tabs where data is to be entered.  Instead, I would like the Media field to display the PDF document to the right of the tabs on the form.
     The only way I can think to do this, is to create a memory form, and place two procedures on it.  One for the actual tabbed update form and one for the display of the PDF in a Media field.  I have this memory form called by the corresponding browse and it does look good.  However, the update form on this memory form, does not do Inserts, Changes, or Deletes.  Is there a way to code this to properly update my target file from the memory form?  I'm looking at the "Browseless Form" section in the NetTalk book, but so far I have not made this work.

Thank you,

Jeff King


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Solved - Re: Media field type on tabbed form, questions, part 2
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2024, 04:20:45 PM »
Hello all,

     The memory form I created had the Form Source field set to Memory instead of Table.  Changing this to Table and setting the actual target file, solved this issue.  I can now do Insert, Change and Delete when calling the update procedure.


Jeff King