session manager set in the pagefooter to go to the IndexPage
server timeout, lets say, set to 00:30
The user logs in and go to a browse, the session timer runs ok
If the user change the browser tab, the timer of the initial tab stops running or runs slow,
so, all the time the user is in another tab is not discounted from the session timer
But this does not happen to the internal delete session process timer
So the session is deleted by the server before the session manager timer reachs 0
And when the user goes to the initial tab, the last page is still there, the timer shows it left 00:15, but its session is deleted,
then when the user clicks on any control
It is redirect to the Login Page instead of the IndexPage
And this cause problems like...
If the user logs in again, its redirect to the last browse, the user clicks on change and the form appears all blanked.