>> Yes you could set the prompt size in CSS but I remove the prompt text for phone apps and put the prompt text in Place Holder.
you can do that in CSS as well. Indeed hiding the prompt in CSS is no big deal.
>> I realise this is probably a theme css change but I thought I'd ask.
It occurs to me Gordon that you likely don't know how to make Global, Custom, additions to the shipping themes that better suit your preferences. You will really want to be able to do this because it is the cornerstone of making your app look the way _you_ want it to look with the minimum amount of hassle.
The short version is;
a) Add "custom.css" to your CSS file list (webserver, settings, styles, files)
b) create custom.css in your \web\styles folder
c) add your overrides to this file.
As to determining what exactly to put in the file, the technique for doing that is best demonstrated in the user group webinar (because it's mostly visual). So join us this Thursday and ask.
For example changing the prompt to be left justified is really easy.
the short version of that is;
a) use your browser Developer Tools (F12) to inspect the page
b) note which CSS is setting the prompt justification
c) change that.