Hi Bruce...
Trying and studying the code... Ive soved this using:
IF p_web.FormSettings.action = Net:ChangeRecord or p_web.FormSettings.action = 0
But I have a problem (look at the "or p_web.FormSettings.action = 0")
If I use the form from a Browse it works ok, only in change mode I go to the 2nd tab, but if I call the form from a menu item using Change and the ID using p_web.AddBrowseValue('pageheadertag','empresas',emp:guidkey,p_web.gsv('emp:guid'))
p_web.FormSettings.action is never Net:ChangeRecord and loc:act is never 2
Thats why I add "or p_web.FormSettings.action = 0", only way I found.
Am I doing something wrong? or its a bug?