When one dll does not exists in the host folder you get an error and then...
All DLLs are copied to the Host folder, all tps and ini files too.
Atached goes the app and dct.
The error goes out, I dont know why...
The server has a static page as the initial page but I think the initial page is now set in the host and not in the server? see pic 1
Now if I run the host setting the same initial page than the server, then it gets part of the page, like theres no styles and images and the busy gif of the browser loader dont stop spining.
see pic2
NOw if I stop the browser and add to go to another server page, it does nothing but still spininig the browser busy gif
see pic 3
And now if I close the browser tab, go to the host tab to try to modify the server params, it does not work
see pic 4