Jane is completely correct - there's is a (sophisticated) approach to the issue - hopefully we can convince her to do a webinar on the subject
>> I understand, for this particular customer(it's not a bank)
ahh - we'll that's a relief at least
- I'm not sure where I got the idea it was a bank - but certainly not-a-bank is less disturbing...
>> Btw, does the https security protocols already apply on the Socket level?
It's at the "connection" level - yes.
>> added the ServerSettings tab,
make sure the settings in the WebServer Extension template are "using" the settings template. In other words;
General Tab:
Host Names (CSL): Set:Domains
Listen on Secure Port: set:SecurePort
Listen on Insecure Port: set:InsecurePort
Advanced Tab
Session Timeout: set:SessionTimeout