With your help on the filter code, I have made some really good progress today. First, I created a new form, and placed a local variable called coinSearch at the top. I then call the main BrowseCoinCollector procedure. The end result looks like a browse with a locator above it. See BeforeSearch.png. I now can type a search term, such as "Cent", and the browse is filtered properly, as can be seen in AfterSearch.png. Your filter code works great!
I now have some items to work on:
1. I need code to clear the coinSearch field, when I click the X button next to it. I have tried a few things but could use some help with this.
2. On this new form I have a tab, which contains the coinSearch field, a button and the Browse procedure. I don't need a title in the tab, so removed it. This results in a small blue rectangle at the top. I suspect some CSS will address this.
3. Deleted records still appear in my browse and I described this in my other thread about deleting records. To fix this I would need to apply another filter to the browse: 'return record.dts == 0 ? recordOk : recordFiltered'. I have not figured out how to combine filters yet. This may not be necessary as you dig deeper into the deleted record issue as you mentioned in the other thread.
4. Finally, I would like to search/filter over multiple fields. Currently, the filter only looks at the Type field, which could be Dollar, Cent, Half Dollar, etc. I would also like to search/filter over the Date field, eg. "1893 Dollar". If this is to be done with a filter, things will get pretty complicated. This goes back to item 3, about combining filters. Any thoughts on how to handle this? I'm thinking I may need a custom JS file with a filter function that I can call from the browse JS filter on the template.