If I uncheck "Include field prefixes" then for example " json.GetPropertyValue('Customer_Action',1) " command does not work properly.
Therefore NetWebserviceMetrhod always tries to add a record even if the value of the "Customer_Action" is update.
This is because Customer_Action is filled in code:
If json.GetPropertyValue('Customer_Action',1) <> '' ! if the Action is not passed, then fall back on the REST http method.
Customer_Action = json.GetPropertyValue('Customer_Action',1)
ElsIf json.GetPropertyValue('action',1) <> '' ! if the Action is not passed, then fall back on the REST http method.
Customer_Action = json.GetPropertyValue('action',1)
I also noticed that almoust all fields with a "_" character cause problems when "Include field prefixes" is not true.
Only arrays works fine