Im using ntd.push in a js to open a form and $post to set session variables in nt depending on js events, like:
// post to inform the NT form which date/time the user clicks on the js
$.post("FullCalendarForm?datenow="+ (moment(date).format()) + "&viewnow=" + view.name);
// push to open the NT form knowing how to prime date and time
ntd.push('CalendarAppointment','','Calendar Entry Form',1,1,null,'FullCalendarForm',"+event.id+",'',0,'','','','btnCal','','');
//post to change date/time when a user drags and drop an event
$.post("FullCalendarForm?newstartdatetime="+ (moment(event.start).format()) + "&IdEvent=" + event.id);
Is there any vulnerability on it?
Anything a user can do knowing the js code?
How to prevent a user to post
and destroy the 111 event record?