Hi Bruce/Folks,
Have got a bit of a thing.
Users were noticing that some characters were coming up in emails as question marks. Now, a while back I changed everything (in the webserver, as well as in emails etc) to be UTF-8. And this works great.
But. Still we get an html email that might have one of the those long dashes, and on some email clients (Outlook for sure) it displays as three question marks.
So I went investigating.
And what I found, so far, was that Outlook seems to change the charset <meta> tag in the email.
The system creates an html email and sends it out with a <meta> charset=utf-8 tag (first screenshot).
When Outlook opens the email, it changes the charset <meta> tag to us-ascii (second screenshot).
1. Is there any way to stop Outlook from changing this? (have googled, but couldn't find anything that helps with this, but might not be looking for the right thing)
If I can stop it, then I can rule this out. If the question marks keep popping up, then I'll know it was something different.
Thanks for any help!