Okay, so having a look at the responses in firebug, for the problem system (missing child browse) and the accounts example (works fine).
1. Accounts example, EIP Checkbox response:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<response type="element" id="browselineitems_browseinvoices_header_div">
<div id="browselineitems_browseinvoices_header_div" class="nt-header nt-browse-header"></div>
<response type="element" id="browselineitems_browseinvoices_table_div">
<div id="browselineitems_browseinvoices_table_div" class="ui-widget">
</div><!-- BrowseLineItems_table_div -->
<response type="script">
document.title = "Invoices";
2. Problem system, EIP Checkbox response:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response type="element" id="w_invoiceloads_items_browse_w_invoiceloads_browse_table_div">
<div id="w_invoiceloads_items_browse_w_invoiceloads_browse_table_div" class="ui-widget">
</div><!-- w_InvoiceLoads_Items_Browse_table_div -->
<response type="script">
So the first thing I see is that the encoding is different. Seems strange, I haven't touched anything to do with encoding. Would this make any difference? [Edit: Changed to the iso charset, didn't change anything here in this issue]
Second thing is that yes, there is a "browselineitems_browseinvoices_header_div" <response> and <div> in the working example that isn't in the not-working example.
However, the commented <!-- w_InvoiceLoads_Items_Browse_table_div --> line is in the not-working, as the counterpart in the working example.
Any thoughts on where to go from here?