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Author Topic: Mobile Mode Issues Part II  (Read 5792 times)


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Mobile Mode Issues Part II
« on: July 30, 2015, 01:53:19 PM »
Hi Bruce,

The maximum size limit for attachments is 70mb. These files were only 3mb and 1.2mb in size so it's not a file size limit.

Here are the links to download them straight from my FTP:

Item 1:
Item 2:

I've tested both links and they play in my Firefox browser!

To be honest I got a bit mixed up before. Items 1 and 2 is the easiest to to reproduce. Fixing all of them is a priority. As Items 1 and 2 are happening when a user presses the field then I'm assuming these are actually the same issue.

Item 3 is slightly different to items 1 and 2 and is harder to reproduce. BUT it would be good to see how you would approach this as this was originally coded by my predecessor and I have not had time to revisit it for a better solution.

I am wondering why you are still testing on iOS 7. iOS 9 is almost ready to be released and you haven't upgraded to 8 yet? If you are not seeing the issues in 7 then you have to upgrade to 8 to see them and properly provide the support that we require.

When the webinar is available please point me to the link and i'll take a look at it.

« Last Edit: July 31, 2015, 02:38:13 AM by trent »


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Re: Mobile Mode Issues Part II
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2015, 11:25:32 PM »
Hi Trent,

I've uploaded yesterdays webinar (#75) to

I haven't done the show notes yet, but I discussed your example first, so grab that and take a look.

The issue you are seeing on the phone may well be an iOS 8 issue, and I've noticed some updates in jQuery Mobile for iOS 8 so I'm going to try and get those updates out in a forthcoming build. (Probably not for 8.58, but maybe one soon after that.)



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Re: Mobile Mode Issues Part II
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2015, 02:37:48 AM »
Hi Bruce,

Watched the webinar, thank you. What you have demonstrated is pretty much how I would normally hide, unhide fields on a form, via the validation of a prior field.

The login form is different though.

What you have in effect done is give everybody access to figure out any usernames that are stored in the database and also which 'Sites' they are assigned to. This is a security breach and is the reason I do not have this form coded this way. This is the reason that the form has to go through 'two' logins. Mainly so the random people (hackers) cannot figure out usernames that are stored in the database.

In our live app we actually have loc:alert set to "Please select a Site" when the user presses the first login so that they are prompted to select the Site and hit login again.

Any other suggestions?

FYI: You actually saw the 'drop not selecting' problem happen during the webinar. Checkout between times 9:30 to 9:35. Also during these times you say that the user could change the username and login as a different user, but validation on the form actually stops this from happening.



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Re: Mobile Mode Issues Part II
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2015, 10:01:22 AM »
Hi Trent,

>> What you have in effect done is give everybody access to figure out any usernames that are stored in the database and also which 'Sites' they are assigned to. This is a security breach and is the reason I do not have this form coded this way.

you could just as easily wait until the password was entered before populating the drop-down.

>> Checkout between times 9:30 to 9:35.

I don't recall any strangeness, but I will review - do you have an exact time-stamp where it occurred?



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Re: Mobile Mode Issues Part II
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2015, 01:27:40 PM »
Hi Bruce,

Doing it on the 'Password' field is not ideal either. How is the user prompted to click out or tab out of the 'Password' field when there is nothing else to click except the 'Login' button?

There's only 5 seconds in the time stamp i provided. You can see that you click a selection and it does not populate with what you selected, so you click and select again - all in those 5 seconds.



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Re: Mobile Mode Issues Part II
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2015, 11:57:25 PM »
Hi Trent,

>> There's only 5 seconds in the time stamp i provided.

sorry - I'm used to writing and reading it as hh:mm, not mm:ss. clearly your is mm:ss.

So what happened there was that as a completed the login field (by clicking on the drop arrow) the login field was sent to the server, and the drop opened. The server then replied with a new login field (because it's set to do immediate validation) and so the drop field closed. (The selection didn't change at all, but the drop part contracted).

There are a couple ways around this - turning off immediate validation on the login and password fields would be probably the correct way to do it.

>> Doing it on the 'Password' field is not ideal either. How is the user prompted to click out or tab out of the 'Password' field when there is nothing else to click except the 'Login' button?

yes, I can see that that's also not idea. (There is a "done" button on the keyboard, but it's not that intuitive for folk to press that.

I was thinking about this over the weekend and maybe I'd separate the database selected from the login screen completely.
a) assume last database as last time logged in
b) give the user a menu item, ro setting to select the database
c) drive the user to that setting on first login, or perhaps just connect them by default to the first database.

But these are just suggestions.

I am looking into a build with the latest which may help with your other issues.



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Re: Mobile Mode Issues Part II
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2015, 12:01:14 AM »
Thank you. I'll keep thinking of a solution too. Maybe a popup form with the drop on it might work for dekstop mode, and just navigate to the form with the drop on it for mobile mode. The way that our desktop app was worked for the last 15 years is that this drop is selected at login for every login, so I don't want to stray too far from that or our customers will get confused.

Looking forward to the new jq mobile build. Which version are you going to upgrade to?



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Re: Mobile Mode Issues Part II
« Reply #7 on: August 03, 2015, 06:18:28 PM »
Hi Bruce,

Updated to NT 8.59.

Tried using a wizard form with 2 tabs: Tab 1 for 'username' and 'password'; Tab 2 for 'site'. The wizard worked ok BUT the 'Save' button no longer works and the 'ValidateUpdate' routine is not called.

Also the UI in mobile mode is pretty bad for a wizard form. The 'Save/Login' button is on the top left corner, the 'Next' button is on the top right corner and the 'Previous' button is under the form in the centre.



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Re: Mobile Mode Issues Part II
« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2015, 10:09:27 PM »
Hi Trent,

>> Looking forward to the new jq mobile build. Which version are you going to upgrade to?

the current one seems to be 1.4.5

>> Tried using a wizard form with 2 tabs:

can you send me the app?



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Re: Mobile Mode Issues Part II
« Reply #9 on: August 03, 2015, 11:35:42 PM »
Hi Bruce,

Demo app is working, just need to get my live app to work too. Demo app also has 'next' and 'previous' buttons in different places to my live app so will have to figure out what's going on there as well.



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Re: Mobile Mode Issues Part II
« Reply #10 on: August 03, 2015, 11:53:35 PM »
Hi Bruce,

One problem: The 'Save' button is still enabled all the time in mobile mode when the 'Form Settings > Layout > Wizard Options > Save enabled all the time' option is disabled.

I've attached the test app which displays the wizard functionality for the login form.

My live app is working now but the 'Site' tab is showing on the first tab as well as the second tab in mobile mode only. Working through this now.


[attachment deleted by admin]