Hi Bruce, using redactor on a form, works nicely thanks, but
I am letting a teachers make simple lessons, I need to allow for duplicate resources being uploaded Eg. you have cat.jpg and so do I
SO I want to make the lesson Id part of the directory structure
Eg. Web\Lesson\1\cat.jpg for lesson 1
Eg. Web\Lesson\2\cat.jpg for lesson 2
I can use string theory in validateRecord to fix the record being saved
then move the jpg from the upload directory to the Lesson\1 directory
But I would rather set the form as it is created to have its default directory as Lesson\1 instead of upload - save having to move all the jpgs they upload.
I see its set in the siteQueue as the Defaults.UploadsPath
So in the handler - p_web.RenameFile
I put self.Site.UploadsPath = 'D:\APPS\SmallAPP\web\lesson\2'
This worked, the form took the name and the file was saved where I wanted it
But it locked something up, I could not drag a second image onto a form, even for a different record
Am I close?