Okay, a lot confused. It's the DHTML script at
So I'll add the dhtmlgoodies_calendar.js to my webserver scripts tab.
But I guess I need an embed to stuff this script in the middle of the page. I'm having trouble picturing it. My goal is to block out dates that are not available (as shown in the addinvaliddaterange method), but which embed do I put it in? Do I add a local variable field and put it in its embed somewhere? Thanks so much for your suggestions! MikeG
<script type="text/javascript">
var myCalendarModel5 = new DHTMLSuite.calendarModel({ initialYear:2004,initialMonth:5,initialDay:20 });
myCalendarModel5.addInvalidDateRange(false,{year: 2003,month:12,day:31});
myCalendarModel5.addInvalidDateRange({year: 2005,month:1,day:1},false);
var myCalendar5 = new DHTMLSuite.calendar({ id:'calendar4',displayCloseButton:false,numberOfRowsInYearDropDown:12 } );