Hi Stu,
>> Looks like it wasn't <13,10> but <13><10>.
same thing. they're just 2 different ways of describing ascii values in a string.
>> A clean (straight html) string value can have a <13,10> added to it.
Carriage Returns, and LineFeeds (ie 13,10) have no meaning in html. They can be added or removed it makes no difference to the browser displaying the HTML.
the only way to make a CR/LF matter to HTML is to put it inside a <pre> tag.
>> The following code in the ValidateRecord embed clears up the issue
there is a method call,
string = p_web.HtmlToxHrml(String)
which converts some common html to xHtml (like <br> to <br/>)
With regard to the 13,10, I don't remove them like you do, but they have no effect, so are harmless either way.