>> I have declared a file name as !GLO:ScenariosFileName in the dictionary because the file will be in a different folder based on User. The variable GLO:ScenariosFileName is 'Threaded' and I set it up in the WebHandler ProcessLink embed point - I'm pretty sure that this is the correct practice and it seems to work ok when I log on as different users the files in the various User folders are correctly accessed and updated.
All sounds correct.
>> However, in the WebHandler NotifyDeleteSession I noticed that the Scenarios file could not be opened because of an 'Invalid File Name' (this is where I have coded the deletion of the temporary session records). The code then worked fine after I had explicitly set the value of GLO:ScenariosFileName to what it should have been.
Correct, NotifyDeleteSession is not an incoming URL request, and hence it does not take a route through ProcessLink to get here. Indeed at this point _nothing_ session related, apart from the actual session ID, is available at this point.
>> It looks as if GLO:ScenariosFileName retains its value while the session has not timed out
no, this is an incorrect conclusion. GLO:ScenariosFileName is threaded (which is correct) and hence does not retain it's value at all.