The error was about one of the .inc files (that really was there actually).
I threw away everything with extension CLW and/ or inc.
Then I opened not solution again and hit compile. Same problem.
Then trew away everything with extension INC and/or CLW and opened the app i.s.o. the sln .
I hit the compile button and that process lasted for 10 minutes where 10 seconds is supposed to be a long time. Nothing happened.
I tried to close Clarion but got a message about a build that wasn't ready yet (where?)
I finished every thing off using the task manager :-( and restarted the system.
Opened the app i.s.o. the sln .
Got alot of messages but the app tree finally loaded into the ide.
Hit compile again and after 10 seconds everythingt was up and running again.
Really, really scary .
Happy Easter.