>> 1) MailboxesBrowseControl - The 'view' button icon shows as an 'insert' icon when I have set the icon to be 'zoomin'.
http://www.capesoft.com/docs/NetTalk8/NetWebMobile.htm#Iconsfor the list of icons, and their names, to be used in mobile mode. Alas 'zoomin' isn't on of them, I imagine you want to use 'search'
>> 2) TestForm - Check this form using an iPhone or iPad. You should notice that the drop list opens first and has to have an option selected before the user can even
use the form.
I've tested on an iPhone, but I'm unable to see the effect you're describing. If I go onto the form it has the Save and Cancel buttons there, and the form field, and some display text. Not sure if it's a specific iOS version you're on. I'm testing with iOS 7.
>> 3) MailboxesBrowseControl - I have put a tooltip on the 'view' button. On iPhones and iPads you have to press the button twice.
Tips always cause a double-tap, which is why tips are automatically excluded in mobile mode. Is your app actually running in mobile mode? You can force it into mobile mode in the WebHandler. In my test here the tip is suppressed, and it's not needing a double tap.
>> 4) TestForm - You can clearly see the 'Start', 'Clear' and 'Cancel' buttons showing when they should not be.
um- maybe you didn't upload the right app? there's no file-upload field on TestForm.