Hello Bruce,
today I encountered that in the branch with NET:SimpleWholeDataPacket in the .Process()-method gets completly ignored, as long as I have a regular NET:SimplePartialDataPacket-branch there too.
If I delete the NET:SimplePartialDataPacket-branch, NET:SimpleWholeDataPacket gets the packets and acts as I like.
case ThisClient.Packet.PacketType
of NET:SimpleAsyncOpenSuccessful
! of NET:SimplePartialDataPacket
of NET:SimpleWholeDataPacket
of NET:SimpleIdleConnection
That means:
a) I can't have both SimplePackets and WholePackets in the same app
b) I have to be sure to NOT include that " of NET:SimplePartialDataPacket"-branch (Copy&Paste from the docs, he he!)
Is that intended by you? Its okay then.
Or is it a bug? Its still okay, as it is something I can live with, once I have learned it. <g>
I simply ask to be sure.
However, I have in mind that I think I might have read, that a Simple-CS-communication can be either Partial or Whole. But I can't find that snippet anymore.