For some reason, it might be handy when the description of a code is displayed Under the code field in stead of behind the code field
Here is a way I figured out how to do things without too much hassle. Describing it was more difficult than doing it.
1. I Define the lookup field (CODE:Field) like any other lookupfield.
2. As display field I use a small dummy field (like a 1 char string), just to fool the template.
3. On the client side tab I check the "send new value to server"-box.
4. In the reset-list for the form I add the REAL:DisplayField. This field can be the original display
field belonging to the CODE:Field
5. In the servercode I do: p_web.ssv('REAL:DisplayField', getCodeDesc(Code:Field))
where getCodeDesc is a function that gets the description for the code.
6. Finally I add a condition to the REAL:DisplayField, to hide it when it's blank
(p_web.gsv('REAL:DisplayField') = '' ), to prevent the description field from being shown when
there is no description.
To make sure that showing the description goes smoothly, you can also add a dummy field after
the REAL:DisplayField that has a complementary condition.
Have fun