I have attached a document with two graphs. The first is the original I produced in the NT application and it had (by default I think) triangles to mark each plotted point.
This was a bit busy because I had 200 points and so I fossicked around and found in the InsightPrompts for the graph window (Data/FromPlottingQueue (Properties)/Sets/InsightGraphField pq:value (Properties)/Style/OverrideDefaultStyle (Ticked)/Penwidth 1/PenStyle and I set this to 'None'.
Bingo, I got the second graph in the document which is beautiful, just what the doctor ordered and I was very happy.
However, true happiness is sometimes short lived as I found to my astonishment some days and many compiles later. I discovered that the graph shape had reverted to triangles!! Of course, I had not been changing anything anywhere close to this graph and my amazement knew no bounds.
I must confess to being lacking in my knowledge of the C8 IDE and how to force the whole application to be regenerated and built but I did something to regenerate and magically the triangles vanished. So I was guardedly happy again.
But after more days and compiles, today it happened again
So, I changed Shape to 'Circles', recompiled and got circles. I changed Shape back to 'None' and got none. Great. I then carried on with another unrelated change, compiled once and the graph was back to triangles in spite of the fact that Shape is set to 'None'.
I think this must have something to do with what I am doing in the IDE but as I said I'm rusty.
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