Can't find help-text for the lookup settings:
Here the settings with what I guess is right:
Procedure: (The lookup procedure)
Popup Lookup: Yes (the lookup procedure is a popup netwebbrowse)
Lookup title: (text for on the lookup-button?, not used)
From table: (the table I want to get the value from, the same table used in the lookup procedure)
Order by: (not sure, I would guess the order of the lookup-table, tried both)
Value Field: (the field from the lookup table I want)
I assume the system knows where to enter the looked up value.
Tried different settings and the lookup procedure pop's up fine, I choose a record from that table
with the select button but only not relative info is put into the lookup-field. Not at all what it should be.
The lookup procedure has two one-component-keys. One for a description (country) and one for a countrycode (string(2)).
Tried both. Also tried to show the looked up table record-fields in the "After lookup.. embed but nothing shows.
Can someone tell me if these settings are correct?