Hi, I'm building a test app to find out about generating Insight graphs and am getting compile errors.
First up I configured everything according to the documentation and also compared what I had done with the Web10 example and it looked ok but I got many compile errors. So then I deleted all of the IG stuff and proceeded by small steps to see where the errors were occurring. Here's the scenario:
1. Generate new app and compile - ok
2. Add IG global extension and compile - ok.
3. Add a field to a NetWebForm Type = Procedure, Procedure Name = GraphWindow. Procedure GraphWindow ToDo inserted into application tree. Compile - 5 errors 'no matching prototype available' pointing to ' GraphWindow(p_web)'
4. Created GraphWindow (Clarion Window) and compile - same 5 errors.
5. Added local extension 'Net Talk Web Graph' to the Window procedure and compile - same 5 errors plus 'illegal reference assignment or equivalence', unknown identifier: P-WEB', Field not found:EVENT', 'unknown function label', 'Field not found:GETVALUE'
6. Added 'Insight Graph' control and compile - same errors plus 'Field not FOUND:_DIVFOOTER' and more.
7. Configured the Control per JumpStart instructions and compile - lots of errors.
I'm obviously missing something fundamental and will appreciate guidance.